2023: 78% of 401(k) Savers Made This Smart Move

A 401(k) has advantages over a brokerage firm's tax-advantaged retirement plan. For one, 401(k) contribution limits are larger. If you max out, a 401(k) can hide more income from taxes than an IRA, providing you're investing in a standard retirement plan, not a Roth.

Many employers that offer 401(k)s also sponsor worker contributions, which is nice. If you contribute from your paycheck, you could obtain free retirement money. As of 2023, 78% of 401(k) plan participants contributed enough from their paychecks to get their full employer match, according to Fidelity. You should try that too.

One match could be crucial. No rules govern 401(k) employer matches. What kind of match your organization offers is up to it. You should know that claiming your workplace match in full could greatly benefit your savings.

The reason? An employer match gives you more than a few thousand dollars in your 401(k). You can also invest a few thousand dollars. This is where you may build your equilibrium properly. Suppose your 401(k) is substantially invested in stocks. Note that 401(k)s don't allow stock purchases, but index funds and stock-focused mutual funds are available.

S&P 500 index returns have averaged 10% over the past 50 years. Let's imagine your firm matches up to $2,500 in employee contributions and you contributed enough this year to obtain the full match. S&P 500 index funds with a 10% return are also in your 401(k). Your company's $2,500 match will be worth $70,000 in 35 years.

You must contribute $2,500 to receive that $2,500 from your employer. If you earn 10% on your assets, $5,000 this year may be worth $140,500 in 35 years. That's a good result from a single year's contribution, considering the average 401(k) balance was $118,600 in 2023.

You don't often obtain free money. Try to get a 401(k) match from your company.

To fund your 401(k), you may need to adjust your lifestyle. That could mean skipping a luxury resort holiday or paying less for takeaway and non-work clothes. Getting your company match could contribute to a stronger nest egg over time. So making modest sacrifices is worthwhile.


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