Can Mental Illness Cause Skin Problems?

Your emotional health might affect your skin. Skin health and mental health are closely related. Skin problems can result from stress and anxiety. Stress hormones like cortisol promote skin inflammation and oil production, causing breakouts.

Depression and anxiety can also impair self-care, resulting in poor skincare. Poor sleep, food, and hydration, which are linked to mental illness, can also impact skin.

Mental health disorders can also induce scratching, plucking, and frequent washing, which can harm and worsen skin conditions. Poor mental health might cause certain common skin disorders.

Stress, anxiety, and poor mental health can boost cortisol production. This can cause acne and clogged pores by increasing skin oil production.Stress can worsen or cause eczema flare-ups. Chronic stress can compromise the skin barrier, making it more sensitive to eczema-causing irritants and allergens.

Psoriasis, like eczema, is an inflammatory skin disorder that can worsen with stress. Stress can worsen psoriasis and cause red, flaky patches.Rosacea, a chronic skin ailment that causes facial redness, flushing, and inflammatory pimples, is often caused by stress. Skin redness and inflammation can result from emotional stress dilation of facial blood vessels.

Emotional tension can release histamine, causing hives. Extreme tension or worry can cause these raised welts.Telogen effluvium—hair loss caused by chronic stress, sadness, or anxiety—can occur. Stress can cause hair follicles to enter the resting phase early, causing hair loss.

Stress can damage the skin's moisture barrier, causing dry, flaky skin. Mental illness can also affect self-care habits like not moisturizing, worsening dry skin.Chronic stress and mental illness can slow wound healing. Stress hormones impede wound healing and increase infection risk.

Poor mental health can cause skin disorders, but it is not the only factor. Environmental factors, genetics, and lifestyle choices also contribute to these disorders. For diagnosis and treatment, see a doctor.

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