Ethereum Staking Protocol Swell Announces $1B Layer-2 Rollup

In conjunction with the Ethereum scaler AltLayer and the cryptocurrency staking project EigenLayer, Swell has introduced a layer-2 restaking rollup.

As part of the rollup, a "restaked rollup" will be implemented. This type of rollup comes with a variety of services, including decentralized sequencing, verification, and speedier finality.

It is possible to repurpose ether tokens that have been deposited as a form of security for the Ethereum network through a process known as restaking. This method allows ether tokens to be used to protect additional blockchains and protocols.

The protocol for Ethereum staking Through the utilization of Polygon's chain development kit (CDK), Swell has presented a layer-2 rollup that has a total value locked (TVL) of one billion of dollars.

Swell, along with Ethereum scaler AltLayer and a16z-backed cryptocurrency staking project EigenLayer, was responsible for the development of the rollup. By performing transactions off-chain and packaging them together for submission to the main network, a layer 2 protocol is designed to scale the capacity of a blockchain. This is accomplished by aggregating the transactions.

According to statements made by Swell on Wednesday, the rollup will be in the form of a "restaked rollup," which comes with a variety of services including decentralized sequencing, verification, and speedier finality.

The term "restaking" refers to a process that takes place on the Ethereum blockchain. This process allows ether tokens, also known as "ETH" tokens, which are deposited as a form of security for the network, to be repurposed for the purpose of securing and protecting additional blockchains and protocols.

"Restaked rollups combine the ease of spinning up rollups using rollup stacks such as Polygon CDK with the power of EigenLayer's restaking mechanism to bootstrap network security and build a decentralised network for core rollup services," Yaoqi Jia, the CEO of AltLayer, stated in the announcement.


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