Foods Benefit Dental Health

Tooth decay, gum disease, and poor breath can be prevented with good dental hygiene. Heart disease, diabetes, and respiratory infections all result from poor oral health. Certain meals contain nutrients and minerals that strengthen teeth and gums. Check out these dental-healthy meals.

Milk, yogurt, and cheese contain calcium and phosphorus, which improve dental enamel and prevent decay. These foods are best eaten everyday as snacks or meals.

Apples and other crisp fruits and vegetables like carrots and celery can boost saliva production, which removes food particles and bacteria that cause tooth decay. These foods are best eaten raw because cooking reduces their dental advantages.

Apples and other crisp fruits and vegetables like carrots and celery can boost saliva production, which removes food particles and bacteria that cause tooth decay. These foods are best eaten raw because cooking reduces their dental advantages.

Almonds and cashews are high in calcium and protein, which improve dental enamel. Nuts are best eaten as snacks or in salads.

Calcium, folic acid, and other nutrients in spinach and kale support gum health. These foods are best eaten raw in salads or smoothies.

Cranberries reduce cavities and gum disease by preventing bacteria from clinging to teeth. Cranberries are best eaten fresh or dried without sugar.

Onions contain antibacterial sulphur compounds that destroy oral bacteria and prevent tooth decay. Onions are best eaten fresh in salads or sandwiches.

To reap the dental health advantages of these foods, eat a balanced and varied diet from several food categories. It's also crucial to brush and floss regularly and see the dentist for checkups and cleanings.

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