Strawberries are also a source of other nutrients in addition to vitamin C.

Strawberrys are high in vitamin C and other nutrients that promote health. Strawberries include these nutrients:

Strawberry fiber: One cup of strawberries contains 3 grams of fiber. Fiber promotes regular bowel motions and lowers cholesterol, improving heart health.

Strawberry antioxidants include flavonoids, phenolic substances, and anthocyanins. Antioxidants protect cells from free radical-induced oxidative damage, which can cause heart disease and cancer.

Strawberry 1 cup servings contain 0.6 milligrams of manganese. Manganese supports metabolism, bone health, and connective tissue production.

Vitamin K: One cup of strawberries contains 3 micrograms of vitamin K. Blood clotting and bone health require vitamin K.

Strawberry 1 cup contains 40 micrograms of folate. Folate aids DNA synthesis, cell division, and red blood cell creation.

Vitamin C: Strawberry juice is famous for its vitamin C, which is needed for immunological function, collagen formation, and antioxidant defense.

Strawberry consumption provides a variety of nutrients that promote health. On their own, in fruit salads, smoothies, yogurt, or on oatmeal or pastries, they're delightful.


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